Wednesday, November 14, 2007


things in [squarebrackets] are notes on the camera. like how it should be shooting.
things in "this" are what's being said by the persons being videoed.
things in 'this' are what's being said by narrators/ cameraman / people not in the scene.
things in (this) are general notes.

[No food and drinks beyond the yellow line sign. move down to the yellow line and follow it for awhile all the way across towards the fruit juice stall]
'SAJC has a rule that no food and drinks are allowed to be brought beyond the yellow line. They enforce this rule strictly, as we'll see in the following security footage..'

[show 2-3 people walking towards food stalls]
'Suspect approaching fruit juice stall. about to make a purchase'
'keep the camera on him'
(guy buys chocolate bar or something, then turns around such that his side profile faces the camera, and starts to open the chocolate bar)
[zoom in on the chocolate bar]
'red alert! he has just bought a CHOCOLATE BAR. he appears to be about to exit the zone via Exit A'
'affirmative. team A standby to take him down'
(guy starts to walk towards the yellow line)
'he's moving out he's moving out! team A move in!'
(3-4 people run in and as guy walks out of the zone one person tackles him down and the other few pin him down. try to make this as realistic as possible without injuring the fella ^^ )
[zoom in closer to catch the action!]
(guy struggles as Team A tells him to put his hands behind his back, etc)


'sir sir, another suspect is about to leave by Exit B with a SANDWICH sir!'
[camera on another guy who's near the malay stall, walking out by that way. camera moves ahead of him and captures the yellow line there.]
'oh shit. Sniper A, are you on lookout?'
'yes sir, i'm at Lookout point B'
'have you got a clear shot at Exit B?'
'Yes sir'
'suspect is moving out with a sandwich, take him out in one shot!'
(guy slowly walks out by that way, sniper takes aim. when he steps out of the yellow line, simulate a bang and he falls in a heap to the ground)
(sniper crosshair will be made with a toiletroll and toothpicks or sth)
'enemy down'


'Cluster target at Zone C sir'
[camera shows group of girls at cafe@popular, with sandwiches/chocolates/whatever]
'Team B , come in'
'yes sir?'
'Team B, cluster target at Zone C, take them out when they cross the yellow line'
'Take them out, sir?'
'yes take them out'
(girls start to walk out, teamB = 1/2 guys walk towards them. stops at mirror to check hair, then catches up with them)
"Hey ladies. I've been given orders to take you all out.. so.. you all want to go to town? "

'what the hell is Team B doing?'
'i've no idea sir. he(they) appears to have been brainwashed'
'what the ---... Alright time to bring in the heavy artillery. Team C are you there?'
'yes sir, Team C ready to roll'
'cluster target just left zone C, take them out NOW'
'yes sir.'
(all this while team B talking to the girls, then they start moving out now)
[zoom in on the back of their heads]
'Team C, prepare to fire.. take aim.. LAUNCH MORTAR BOMB!'
(throw like 5-6 paper balls to hit them all, then they all fall down and die.)

'Whew, targets eliminated. mission accomplished sir'
'good job. stay vigilant, we never know when someone is going to bring food and drinks across the yellow line'
[camera runs along yellow line and back to the 'no food and drinks sign']


if you have suggestions for a new scene or improvements to current ones, let me know


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