Sunday, June 26, 2011


Game 1 - TARossi(Terran) vs aLtJimDiddy(Zerg) on ESL The Shattered Temple

The SEACL Finals between TA and aLt kicked off with Rossi, a strong Terran player and JimDiddy, a top ranked Zerg GM!

Both players open standard, with JimDiddy going for a 15/15 hatch/pool, while Rossi did a reactor Hellion into a CC opening.

Rossi pokes in with 4 Hellions

This attack killed 6 Drones, which I think could have been avoided with just an additional spine at the bottom right. Regardless, JimDiddy droned right back up and went ahead by 10 Drones within a minute or two. The power of Zerg!

Rossi transitioned into a marine/tank composition while JimDiddy got some Roaches/Lings out before going for Lair tech and a Baneling Nest.
Like all good Terran, Rossi moves out to attempt a Stim timing push!

However, Jimdiddy had good creep spread which caused Rossi to hesitate and pull back. He doesn't want to be engaging on creep where Zerg has the advantage!
As JimDiddy waits on his Baneling Speed, Rossi begins to clear creep, and sieges up at the choke of Jim's base.
Slow push!
Jim needs to break this, but his Baneling speed isn't up yet! The tanks begin shelling away and take down the 2 Spine crawlers at Jimdiddy's entrance, as the marines threatened to march forward to clear out Drones and reinforcing units.

JimDiddy keeping his units tucked away while waiting for Baneling speed
Finally, after losing 2 Overlords and getting supplyblocked, Baneling Speed finished, so JimDiddy engaged with his Zerg forces!

With the help of Creep and baneling speed, JimDiddy is able to break the contain

Jimdiddy establishes his 3rd on the 'island' expo while Rossi directly takes his gold. Jimdiddy had a sizable Drone lead at this point and continued massing up on sling/bling/mutas while Rossi sticks to a Marine/Tank army. Jimdiddy is very active with his Mutas and forced a few extra turrets from Rossi.

Then came a sequence of events that were almost SIMULTANEOUSLY occurring - I think most observers would miss at least one of them.

JimDiddy's flock of 20+ mutas flew into Rossi's main and decimated the turrets and mineral line. Rossi's entire army was already moving towards the middle so Rossi ignored this 

Big engagement in the middle - Rossi's marines only barely managed to dart off creep before it began
Marines managed to clean this up, even with Jimdiddy's mutas coming to assist.

And what you probably missed:
Oh, sneaky Rossi. A drop on the 'island' expo!
Marines cleaning up all the drones and subsequently the Hatchery as well!
Jimdiddy was probably busy with:

Banelings hatched just in time to clean up the marines

JimDiddy seems to choose to ignore the marines taking out his island expo and went for a counterattack

While the Mutas cleaned up the marines (in not a very cost-effective trade), JimDiddy decided to pull back when Rossi dropped his marines onto his gold expo.

Both players now work to get their next base up, while Jimdiddy does some mutalisk harass on Rossi's main, killing quite a few supply depots! Marines do chase the Mutas away eventually though. Both players macroed up another army of the same combination as before, with Rossi adding in a Thor for good measure.

Another battle ensued:
With good magic boxing, Jimdiddy was able clear the Thor, but there were just too many Marines! (upgraded 3/1 too) Seriously, +3 Marines are Muta killers :S
Now both players were on roughly 2 base, and as we know that Zerg loses when they're on equal bases with Terran. Rossi's macro was tip-top as he rallies more and more marines/tanks, and was over 30 food above JimDiddy.
With a drop by Rossi to take out even more Drones:

and Rossi sniping Jim's gold expo, AND Jim mismicroing these infestors:
All 3 got 0 fungals off
JimDiddy is forced to GG out.

1-0 to TA!

*tell me abit about the line up - did you all already had that order in mind or was that something that was decided on the spot
*jimdiddy > nirvana > iaguz > oxygen > yyj
Bryan - SEA Starleague says:
*well we more or less decided who was gonna play
*in our customs and ladder results the top 2 players in alt were iaguz and yoon, with oxy and jim closely behind
*last spot was between me/pig/duckie/sheepy
*i thoguht i had a good build on that map but turns out i didnt prepare for that 1 base attack! i blame oxy for not doing it to me haha
alaN - part time gamer, full time boyfriend ヽ(´ー`)ノ says:
*Everyone was expecting PiG to come up before YYJ - and we were all surprised with the choice of Oxygen. I suppose Oxygen is just in better form than PiG recently?
Bryan - SEA Starleague says:
*yea well it was about the matchups pig. is very strong in zvp, zvz. zvt not so much. oxy has been in super hot form recently and he had a special build prepared for this map
*so he felt confident and i let him go
*his build was based around the terran fast e xpanding since that was a big map
alaN - part time gamer, full time boyfriend ヽ(´ー`)ノ says:
*Yea, the casters were commenting that it was odd since oxygen was supposedly known for his 1 base play or sth haha
Bryan - SEA Starleague says:
*but deth didnt expand and went the same build as the previous games, too bad oxy didnt see them he was eating lol
*yea thats a popular misconception.. oxy was a 1 base cheeser like 8 months ago. hes kinda low profile so pples perception of him hasnt cahnged yet. he can play very  strong marcro games as well
*low profile in tournaments cause he doesnt play much in them*
alaN - part time gamer, full time boyfriend ヽ(´ー`)ノ says:
*From the pre-game interviews, it was clear that deth was one of the strongest players of TA. Did aLt have a plan for handling deth? He seemed to catch you guys with a strong 4-0 showing
Bryan - SEA Starleague says:
*yea deth played really impressively in all the games. our problem was we had players strong vs Zerg/Protoss but noone on our team was very confident against terran
alaN - part time gamer, full time boyfriend ヽ(´ー`)ノ says:
*Regardless, your team put up a strong showing, the first two TvTs were waaay intense and close. So good job!
any final words?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

NUS Tips and MORE!

The NUS Freshie Guidebook.
credits to GimSiong, Teng Yong, Kevin, Shaun, and whoever I missed.

This contains a treasure trove of information which has been lovingly compiled by your seniors of Suit Up! I've rearranged and formatted it so that it is more readable and added some info. Enjoy!

If you have any questions about any of these, feel free to email atqhteo (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll be glad to assist you.

For module reviews, check out my personal blog here.
For the direct link:

Useful Websites
Explanation Of Different Module Types
Fulfilling FASS requirements
General Tips

Useful Websites

For now we just have to worry about getting our modules first which is the current round of bidding. next will be the tutorial bidding which will occur during the 1st week of school. this will take 2 weeks. so technically, the 1st 2 weeks of school will be tutorial-free, yay!

okie docks. here are some websites that you might interest you.

1) CORS (bidding) website, self explanatory.

2) Modules offered. (there should be a full listing one that comes out closer to the bidding dates, this is only Arts mods atm)

check out your desired modules and make sure their exams, locations and timings don't clash or are too far apart! Do note that all lectures and tutorials will end 25mins early for you to travel to your next location. for example, a 1000-1200 lecture will end at 1135.
Tutorials may not follow this rule - some 1h tutorials end on the hour or only 5 mins earlier. You may have to leave earlier if you're travelling a distance

3) Calender/ bidding schedule.

you guys will only be taking part in Round 1C onwards. so take note and don't go overseas on these dates! if you don't bid successfully in Round 1C, there's still Round 2A and so on.

4) Timetable builder.

A useful tool to see how your academic timetable will be this semester. just add in your module code, should be fairly simple to use.

Another more cool one which you can download:

Looks more classy and easier to use, can just swap modules around on the scheduler.

5) CORS guide, an informative read!
treasure trove of information and advice about CORS.
URL name says it all.

6) Module Review Website.

Now, this website contains reviews about NUS modules. this is a place where nus students bitch or rave about how the modules are. lecturers, tutors, learning experience etc. Also a place to unearth easy modules, just see their remarks! Navigate around, but take those reviews with a pinch of salt. ( some nus students have imba IQ or imba laziness, the comments may be just biased.

Explanation of Different Module Types

1. Exposure mods
These are coded as -1101E. they are the most basic mods you can take of each major subject, and also the pre-requisite. Throughout our tenure in NUS, we're only allowed to take up to a maximum of 8 exposure mods.

2. General Education Modules (GEMs)
these are modules that are coded GEK-/GEM-. Throughout the 3/4/5 years, we'll be REQUIRED (compulsory) to take a minimum of 2 GEMs - it can be 1 GEM from Humanities (coded x0xx), 1 GEM from the Science and Tech category (coded x5xx; e.g. GEK1519), or 2 GEMs from the science faculty. (some GEMs are coded x9xx , these can be counted as either humanities or science/tech.)

However, if you find yourself loving GEMs so much, you may take up more than 2. they will be classified under Unrestricted Electives (UE) after you've fulfilled the minimum GEM requirement.

3. Singapore Studies 
This is NOT social studies. they're coded SSxxxx (e.g. SSA2102, SSB2216, etc). You're only required to fulfil the requirement of 1 SS mod throughout your years in NUS. similarly, if you like, you may take more than 1 to fulfil your UE.

4. Unrestricted Electives (UEs)
You may realise that I mentioned UE earlier. every other mod that doesn't come under your major, not classified as GEM / SS will be classified as UE. these mods can be from FASS or anywhere else, even mods that you take during your overseas exchange programme. Don't rush into making the choice of major, because you guys have 1 year to decide on that. Do pick wisely.

Fulfilling FASS module requirements

You are also required to fulfill your FASS requirements (which we call faculty requirements). Simply put, FASS has 3 divisions: Asian Studies, Humanities & Social Sciences. FASS states that you need to take an exposure module from each of these divisions.

Asian Studies: Chinese Lang, Chinese Studies, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Jap Studies, Malay Studies and maybe a few others

Humanities: History, English, English Lit, Philosophy & Theatre Studies

Social Sciences: CNM, Econs, Geog, Psych, Soci etc.

Advice 1: "Your major's exposure CANNOT be used to fulfill the FASS requirement. For example, if you are an ECONS major, you need to take another Social Science exposure to fulfill the social science department requirement."

Advice 2:" EU1101E (European Exposure) can be used to fulfill either Humanities OR Social Science department requirements. It's primary for History majors like me lah actually..."

Advice 3: "EU1101E, I feel personally is a module that you MIGHT find VERY interesting... However, if you do not have JC History background, I will STRONGLY advise you not to take it simply because there are MANY MANY good history students that take it... so it's a bit of a suicide if you are fighting for good grades cause they are well drilled (2 years) in the information. HY1101E is a more leveled playing field if you really want to know more interesting stuff about History."

TIPS 101 - tips about everything

1) Always take note of modules exam dates, locations, timings and evaluation of the module.
Similarly, try to plan your timetable well. I believe it's quite manageable to plan a 4 day work week. A 3 day work week is doable in the sense that it can be planned, but your work days may be so hectic that its quite not worth it.
Also, do not plan your lectures such that you have 1 from 8 to 10am and another at 6-8pm. Imagine the gap time! Unless you have a hall to return to to sleep of course. Or you can go dating with that insane amount of time.

2) Don't cram all your 1101Es in Sem 1. 
Major mistake, because exposure modules (like they are known for), makes you study/read up on a whole wide range of stuff. This is because they are supposed to prepare you for your lvl 2000/3000 modules in the future. It's better to spread them out over your 3/4 years in NUS.

3) You can try to attempt lvl 2000 modules in Year 1 Sem 1. HOWEVER, make sure you research on it (aka ask seniors like us on the module's feedback OR google. Trust me, google is good for gathering NUS module feedback)

4) Having 2 exams on the same day. Opinions differ here.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Exam timings are: AM (9 - 11), PM (1 - 3) & EVENING (5 - 7). Don't be deceived into thinking PM and EVENING are the same thing!
If you really want to have 2 exams on the same day, at least make it AM and EVENING. Any other combination will be abit rushed and you'll have no time to revise after the paper (because you're both tired and you'll probably want to eat/snack/rest)
Many people will recommend you NOT to have 2 papers on the same day though, for obvious reasons.

5)  You can take 2 Science GEMs, it's no issue.
However, remember that you only have 3 S/U options. I myself feel that that is cause you are most likely supposed to use it on 1 Science GEM and 2 on the Breadths (Modules which you take OUTSIDE of FASS), so why suicide on taking 2 Science GEMs when you have the option of doing 1 ARTS GEM instead? IN FACT, if you research properly on GEMs, there are some ARTS GEMs that can be classified as Science GEM because they are from the special group of modules. Even better, but just that you can't S/U them if you do badly...

6) You will have 7 U/Es that you need to fulfill. ANYTHING outside of your Major are classified as U/Es. Typically, if you want to minor, you will use up 6 of these U/Es (24 MCs). However, minor just makes your transcript look nicer nia, no effect on your actual certificate that you will get. So unless you want to get tied down by 6 modules to the minor, I suggest you use these 6 modules to pull up your CAP by taking "easier to score" modules.

7) ALWAYS plan your modules way in advance. Take modules that you have an interest in so that you won't find the semester a drag.
Trust me on this, I didn't do planning for Sem 2, in the end, I took modules which I could fit in at the last minute and Sem 2 was a BORE!!! Needless to say... performance for Sem 2 was SHIT as compared to Sem 1...

8) ALWAYS ask when in doubt. 
Don't be shy... Please... How old liao... If in doubt, always consult seniors.... NUS everything is self initiated one, no more spoon feeding... We can't know what you know or dunno, but when you ask, we will know exactly what you need to know.

9) An SSA module that is not cross-listed with any FASS module codes, ie. (SSA2211, SSA1201 and the changing landscape one) can be S/U-ed even though they are technically "FASS" modules because they are used to fulfill university requirements.
Just something to keep in mind when selecting your modules.

1) What is MPE?
Module Preference Exercise...
Freshmen can do them from Semester 2 onwards, after they have declared there Major.
Modules allocated will only be from the Major's department, ie. No EC modules pre-allocated for Sociology Majors.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Road to Masters (7)


[spoiler=What is this column about?]I am crAzerk, and I've been playing Starcraft since the original. I love the game, and I love writing, thus the chance to combine both passions excited me to no end. So here I am, providing (hopefully) entertaining writeups for you guys!

I aspire to be in Masters League. And I will strive hard to fight my way out of Diamond. This column will document my journey. Each time, I will write about five or more games that I've played on ladder, and discuss my struggles and thoughts about each game.[/spoiler]

[spoiler= click to read the usual game recaps :) ]

Game 1 - vs onsHirako (Zerg) on Metalopolis

I had actually just met this guy on ladder the game before this, which I won with speedlings/banelings and he just went for a macro hatch speedling build.

For this map, it is possible to 15 hatch safely because the ramp and expo are closeby, unlike previous game on Tal'darim. So I wanted to get a 15 hatch, but
His Drone JUST manages to block it!
Ugh, how annoying. I threw down my pool/gas first then, and just got a hatchery after those two. He was also going for a 15 hatch, straight into Roaches.

Since I had my pool/gas up early, I decide to pump out a round of speedlings to pressure him and and see how to follow up.

I saw he had 8 lings on his ramp, which indicated some ling heavy or bling build, so I immediately put down a Baneling Nest
Lucky for me, I darted back in again to check out what he was doing and:
Oh crap, he has Roaches
I immediately CANCELLED my Baneling Nest and made a Roach Warren in response.
Now I had a bunch of about 16 speedlings from earlier, and if he pushed out and attacked I may have been in trouble due to his higher Roach count, thus I kept him pressured by doing ling runbys
Darting in to snipe a Drone

When my Roach Warren was in production, I spent the whole time Droning up, while he was making units and queens and stuff. Thus, I began this next phase 5 drones ahead! This would prove to be the key factor of the game.

My gameplan from here on was very clear - I'm going to flash my speedlings around his entrance to show him that I am waiting for him to move out and I'll counterattack him, so as to contain him.
At the same time, I was hoping this would pressure him into putting down more spines.
All this while, I was pumping roaches non-stop from both hatcheries with the occasional drone, maintaining my 5 drone lead all the way.

Dancing my lings around also served another key purpose - it prevents him from hiding his Roach count! I would just run into his expo to kill drones if he didn't keep enough Roaches there, so he rallied all his Roaches down his ramp to block it and defend his expo.

Because I had the 5 Drone lead, I could produce more Roaches than him. Then at one point, I noticed his Roach count was actually much lower than mine, and I figured he was Droning.

Good call! He actually made a wave of NINE drones! And teching for +1 too!

Anyway, I knew I should push at that point, since I had a bigger roach count, before his macro advantage kicked in and he could outproduce me. So I moved out quickly, and I was right - I had 17 roaches to his 10 roaches.
1 Spine won't save him
I crushed his defences, and kept rallying roach/lings to deal with his popping roaches. He pulled his Drones but it just wasn't enough. GG.

POST EDIT: I actually met this guy in GPD Tournament and LOST to him when he used the same macro Hatch mass lings >< Made a bad decision with my banelings/speedlings at the start, which cost me the game. sigh.

Game 2 - vs munky (Terran) on Slag Pits
I scouted the wrong direction and reached his base last. (I need to get a hang of marine timings - I think I actually had time to fly my OL in to scout the barracks , gas, and fly out instead of using drone)

Anyway, I spotted a Maka Rax (barracks/depot on low ground) and ...
I SNIPED the SCV!! Hoho look at the construction time.. rofl 99%

Oh my opening build was a modified FE, after a 14 gas (which I didn't start mining until my pool was down). This was because he was actually Random, so I had no idea what race he was, and 14 gas/pool is probably the safest choice, but I managed to scout that he's Terran before I put down the pool so I decided to just get a hatch.

He actually sent more SCVs than usual (4-5) with a decent pack of marines, so I pulled more drones and with my queen out I managed to fend this off JUST barely, thanks to my spinecrawler that went up. (The bunker did finish)
I decided to go for an eco baneling bust because I'm lazy to play long drawn out games, and my mentality is that you should always aim to play shorts games on ladder anyway since you are aiming to complete as many games as possible.

Unfortunately, he had pretty decent Simcity, so I couldn't do much
And on hindsight, I should have just dodged this first bunker and ran around it towards the expo and take out the bunker there. But then again he can just Lift off and flee his SCVs towards the other bunker... but may have done more damage I guess.

At this point I droned up heavily and got a 3rd, while my sac OL spotted his Starport-TechLab... meaning banshees!
I did the necessary defences - extra queen, some spores at my main and expo, and quickly got a Spire down.
However, he also had a reactor-Starport hidden and his initial Vikings took out some of my Overlords!

His Banshees took out my 3rd! 
This map is annoying as your 3rd is too far away from your expo to be able to defend it with Queens and such.
Anyway, I popped out 10 mutas when my Spire was done but he got Turrets up in time so I couldn't do much harass. I don't really like Mutas! I normally go Infestors but this game I went mutas because of the Banshees.
Anyway, I dropped down an Infestation Pit once I saw that my harass couldn't do much, and I saw his Armory too so that means THORS. I don't like magicboxing, I find Neural Parasite (NP) MUCH easier.

All this while I've been droning like a boss because he has shown no aggression, and was THIRTY drones above him. Wow. How did the game turn out like what it did later on...

He finally makes a push at the 20 minute mark, with a pretty scary army.
Banshees with Vikings, a few Hellions, Tanks, 4 Thors, and infantry. wtf 
Neural Parasite wasn't done though as you can see, so I tried to stall him and landed a solid Fungal right on top of his marines - This actually deterred him from pushing and he backed out.. :S

At this point I was maxxed out and teching to Hive, but I decided to do some infestor harass before engaging him

Well-placed Turret/bunker denies the harass at his expo , but I managed to kill 12 SCVs at his 3rd ! Woot
Wow this is ridiculous. 85-37 harvestors now!
I wanted to engage him asap but he sent blue flame hellions to harass my 4th so I had to deal with that.
Once I cleaned that up, I made a push to his 3rd and this made him come to engage me.

A horrible horrible engagement for so many reasons.
Firstly, my slow infestors (gosh I hate the nerf) were lagging behind and 2 full energy ones got sniped by his army that was coming in.
Second, my roaches formed a line quickly during the engagement and basically blocked my Banelings entirely for quite a while.
Third, I only managed to land one NP thats to my awesome roach wall -_-
My army was obliterated.

But I was back at max almost instantly by pumping 9 Ultras, infestors, corruptors, mutas, lings.. I was just spamming everything lol. I had banked up quite a bit by maxxing out earlier so ... yup.
He continued his push, and sieged up and threatened to kill me before my ultras could pop!!
I had literally nothing besides what you see here - his army killed my roach/ling that was replenished and sniped some Infestors rallying from the 3rd/4th. FFFFF
Wait a minute. Do I hear a RAWRRRWARAWRRARR?

Ultras to the rescue!
That was after ploughing through like 7 tanks on top, and they came down to clear this main army, and together with my constant stream of speedlings popping out, I only BARELY managed to clear this up.

I decided to launch a counterattack on his 3rd at this point.. Ok I need to memorize this - it takes 19 banelings to blow up a PF - less if you have attack upgrades.
I sent only like 13-14, and the PF killed some too with its imba attack, so the baneling bomb didn't do what I expected
Lucky for me, I had ultras and roaches and lings streaming in to clear it up, and I took down the PF along with all the SCVs.

However, he had a pretty decent sized army and pushed towards my expo/main
With my poor unit control (didn't get a good surround with ultras), he actually managed to plough through all my ultras with his Thors/tanks, and suddenly it looked like I would lose
I continually rallied ultras and roaches and lings over though, and thanks to my superior macro, I managed to produce just enough to clean it up yet again
Ultras savoring the bloodbath

And soon after, I grabbed the gold, all this while preventing him from getting a 3rd, and I remassed up an army and went in for the kill when I hit 200/200 again
With ultras, and NP on Thors, there's nothing much he can do. He graciously GGs and leaves
This game would have easily been a thrashing by him if he had decent macro - there were periods of time he was floating SO much minerals/gas! Lucky for me, he didn't macro well this game, and I was pretty much on top of my drone production and expanding, so that won me the game.

Need to work on my unit positioning to not throw away units like that.. ugh. Oh, he was a Diamond 1200ish player. Guess Terran isn't his best race.

Game 3 - vs Xzer (Terran) on Typhon Peaks
I used to not like this map just because of my initial feeling about it, but it's actually a pretty decent map. The 3rd is near enough, the bases are not too far apart for any baneling busts, no abusable cliffs, all in all a balanced map IMO.

One thing I've started doing is to always set a Drone to follow the scouting SCV. This serves a simple purpose - to deny that bunker.
He still puts up a Bunker for some reason, and my Drone picks off his SCV obviously, and he loses 125 minerals
My opening is standard 14hatch/14pool (I don't know why but I'm always hesitant to go 15 hatch even though it should be fairly safe) while he goes for a Command Centre off a Barracks and Factory.
It was walled off, so I was wary of an all-in from him and put down a precautionary spine as well as a Baneling nest, before getting speed and lair.

My scouting OL saw his CC building in his base though, and so I proceeded with another round of Drones before pumping a round of speedlings.
He tries to poke in with blue flame Hellions, but well-placed Spines force him one direction which my speedlings cut off. I only managed to kill one hellion though, but he does back off.
I swear watching Glade stream and play has taught me how to defend Hellion harasses properly - from the well-placed Spines to the Queen ramp block, etc, because he seems to ALWAYS face it (especially in that series vs cArn in the ESL which you can read about [URL=""]here[/URL])

After pushing that off, I decided to try something that Glade always does against Terran - the Roach /Baneling bust. 

The wonderful thing about this is that it is MUCH stronger than a ling/bling bust due to Roaches tanking damage, and Roaches do fairly well against marines too. Also, with a blue flame Hellion opening, ling/bling probably won't work as well.

How it's done is you saturate both of your bases quickly with Drones, then you just mass Roach/Ling from there. Once your baneling nest is done you can just morph everything into Banelings. Yes, everything. Then you push out when you think you have a sizeable force (up to you to gauge, but DON'T wait too long!), and you can either grab your 3rd or keep rallying lings/roaches in if you're succeeding.
The aim is not necessarily to end the game, but to do severe economic damage and clear his expo.

This game my attack was triggered when his scouting hellions caught sight of my roach/bane at the watchtower, so I had to move in straight away. Lucky for me, he was also moving out with a marine/tank force, so I quickly swarmed in.

Luckily for me he had virtually no marine micro so banelings easily wiped out the marines and my roaches cleared the tanks.

I moved in to his expo but saw that he had a well sieged Tank so I backed out and waited for my wave of lings to reinforce, THEN I moved in.
Ling surround on tanks and go to work on SCVs, while Roaches cut off Marines coming down the ramp!
I killed a bunch of SCVs, and forced the liftoff of the CC, but he still had his wall-in with a tank so I couldn't go up the ramp without banelings.
 I decided to fake a retreat, and morphed banelings out of sight, and moved in again with Roach/Bane.

He must have thought I was really backing out, as he unsieged his Tank to prepare to move down below... and my Banelings roll in and smash the depot.
He pulled a ton of SCVs and survived this roach attack
By now I was waay ahead - I can either sit back and macro up and crush him with a massive army... or just crush him right now. Which I decide to, and rallied another Roach/Bane ball.

Caught him trying to set up defences again, and this time he GGs out

[spoiler= So what's next?]That's a